
Hello, I'm

Tian Yang

I am a Computer Science Ph.D. student under the supervision of Andrew Chien at University of Chicago. Before that, I was an undergraduate student and research intern at New York University majoring in Computer Science. My research interests are in Cloud Computing, Operating Systems, Distributed Systems, and Computer Security.

I'm also an amateur artist who dabbles in sketching, 3D art, and graphic design. You can find my artwork on Instagram and Artstation.

Debate It
1 vs 1 open debate platform implemented in Python + FastAPI + PostgreSQL
AST-based source code plagiarism detection system
Distributed LMS for automating Computer Science courses from NYU
2021 GiGA Game Jam entry implemented in Lua + Love2d
plane ticket booking system implemented in Python + Flask + SQLalchemy
WeeklyGameJam entry implemented in Unity3D
Chip-8 Emulator implemented in Python
High School Website
Website for the International Department of Changzhou No.1 High School